
Bring Joy,
Love, and Light with Energy Products from SUN!
Hand-crafted 7/8-inch silver Ankh with amethyst stone & 24-inch sterling silver chain.
Bringing to You the Benefits of Egyptian Energies and Christ Consciousness Together in One Energy Tool!
Working together, the angelic realm and Irving Feurst have made S.U.N.’s Ankh of TransformationTM far more powerful and it does many more things!
Previously used mostly with Khu, the Egyptian Mystery School energy, it can now also be used to help you deeply develop Christ Consciousness and your Christ subtle body. (See new Christ Consciousness courses).
About the Christ Consciousness Connection:
Christ Consciousness and the associated Christ Subtle Body are the universal evolutionary heritage of humanity. They should not be seen as belonging to Christianity alone. Christ Consciousness is an interrelated complex of traits, but at heart it is love of God, your fellow humans, the Earth and all her inhabitants as a result of continuous union with God.
The cross was used as a religious symbol in the ancient world before Christianity ever existed. The ancient Egyptian concept of enlightenment and Christ Consciousness have key traits in common. One example, besides unconditional love, is balance between our masculine and feminine natures. Jesus was balanced, his unconditional love being more feminine; an example of his more masculine side was forcefully ejecting the money changers from the temple.
One symbolism of the ankh is balance between our masculine and feminine. The left half of the ankh represents the left half of our body and our inner feminine. The right half of the ankh corresponds to the right side of our body and our inner masculine. Appropriately, holding the ankh between your palms briefly balances you energetically left to right as well your inner feminine and masculine.
Most of us have shields that have formed over our heart and heart chakras due to life experiences. Over time, the Ankh supportively dissolves these barriers, enabling you to give and receive more love.
The Ankh Will:
- Facilitate experiencing universal, unconditional love.
- Supportively dissolve shields around your heart and heart chakra enriching your relationships with others.
- Balances your energy flow, left and right plus inner feminine and masculine.
- Speed up "The Divinization of Matter".
- Bring the energies of the soul and the I Am presence (monad) deeply into your body, cells, and DNA.
- Clear negative emotional and mental energies from your aura, cells, and DNA.
- Clear negative energies from your food and water and raise its vibrational rate.
- Accelerate the evolution of your chakra system.
- Enable you to do a Christ Consciousness meditation that becomes more powerful the more you do it.
- Become a little more transformative every time you receive a Monday Christ Consciousness transmission. As you grow, the Ankh grows.
“My internal and external life has shifted in a profound way.”
–Philmore Steele
“I love my new Ankh so much! When I opened it and took it out I said I love you to it and I heard I love you back. I am meditating with it every day and wearing it.”
–Fran |
by Irving Feurst & Virginia Essene
Have you ever felt the stars were calling you? Here’s your opportunity
to find out why. This book is your energy portal for receiving
transformative initiations directly from spiritual masters in seven star systems.
initiations from each of these star systems:
- Arcturus: receive Hope
- Polaris: receive Breath
- Pleiades: receive Love
- Vega: receive Compassion
- Betelgeuse: receive Soul Awareness
Rigel: receive Integration of Matter with Spirit
- Sirius: helps develop Christ Consciousness
If you prefer to pay by check or money order, send your contact information: phone, postal and email addresses, a U.S. check payable to S.U.N., to S.U.N., P.O. Box 5900, Hercules, CA 94547.
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your order?
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